Monday, September 12, 2011

good things make life better...

Late Summer Nights: Sunny on the way there. Dark on the way home.

we have had a LOVELY string of late SUMMER weather.
I had put on our schedules awhile ago a lecture I wanted to attend.
so I arrived home from work,
put on my favorite cycling skirt,

and off H and I went.

easy peasy parking - dusk to dark

there are many reasons why we rode our bicycles:

1. We live about 4 miles from the destination, an easy peddle on over.

2. Parking at the University is a pain and expensive, not so with a bicycle.

3. I needed to move my body.

4. It is a fun thing to do together, much more fun than sitting in the car.

5. With this gorgeous weather, how could one not want to get out and enjoy it?

I realized later that it was fitting I wore my favorite Japanese fabric skirt.
I want to make more of these skirts,
the waist is a little higher and
I shortened the pattern to the perfect length,
both work swell when I feel the need to slip on bicycle shorts underneath

(like on a hot Summer's night going to a lecture when I didn't want sweat stains).

If you haven't noticed on this blog,

I have a thing for art, design, and architecture.
I also have a thing that's been brewing for awhile
for Japan.

I hope to continue to focus on those things here
because they are what make me me,

make my days more interesting,

stretch my brain,

and make the world a better place.

photo: Atelier Bow-Wow "Pony Garden"

Atelier Bow-Wow is my new favorite.
I learned so much at this lecture.

Most of all I appreciate their approach to architecture and space.

What a wonderful thing when the spaces we move in

change our behaviors for the better.

If we all could be so lucky to spend time
in one of their spaces,
what a better place the world would be...