Tuesday, March 29, 2011

six hundred, sick, sun, and SPRING...

Of course...
All good Spring training programs
start off with

getting sick.


I have been laying around bored and listless all afternoon,
and had to bail on my bikish meeting tonight,

so figured I might as well distract myself

with a little good ol
' blogging.

At least I have had the Sun here to hang out with.
And finally, I can hear the snow melting, slow but sure...

I have spent my afternoon starting to dig into a new book.
So far, so sucked in...
Anything about living in Europe,
especially by someone who lived in San Francisco,
of course I go gaga over.

The new JCrew catalog arrived today.
I enjoyed drooling over it as I slurped up my soup.

As I logged in I noticed
that my last post
was my
600th Post!!
Why are these things so thrilling in blogland?

I don't know,

maybe it is because they are like other ritualistic moments in life.

A time to stop, celebrate, look back, and look forward.
A time to think of your accomplishments
and what you want to accomplish.

Regardless, it's kind of damned exciting.

Miss Sarah is also celebrating a blogiversary today.
I particularly liked one thing she said:
Sometimes I wish I could be more like other blogs. More technical. More organized. More bikey.
What these three years of blogging has taught me is that it's funnest to write and post about the things that feel natural to me. Although I do love riding the bike, what I find even more important is what riding has awakened and reinforced in me:
Love for my community, friends, and family.

Amen sister.

I found a new-to-me blog today.
Sometimes, it is certain things people say
that you can just so completely relate to.
Sometimes I think what is the point of blogging...

Check out what Margarita has to say: Why I Blog

I do sometimes also wish I had more bikey things to say,
but not today,
and not everyday.
I do sometimes also wonder what is the point,
but in the end I enjoy being here.
And I appreciate you being here too.
On my bikey days
and on my not-so-bikey days.

Best of all, when you visit me today,
you won't catch my cold!
May you stay healthy and be ready for Spring.
I know I am!