Sunday, October 4, 2009


I have spent a majority of my time
the last few months on my bicycles.

Almost every free moment

has been on two wheels.

I love it,

I am addicted to it,

I thrive on it,

and it makes me feel good

physically and emotionally.

But I have to admit,

after all those hours,

I am a little burnt out.

With the new job, and the change in seasons,

I am finding myself adjusting to change

and taking a pause in my routine.

It is pretty much never that we spend a Saturday or Sunday morning together.
Years past I spent weekends alone while H was out training or racing.

Off on our bicycles for much of the weekend,
we typically come back together for hurried weekend afternoons of finding food and running errands.
Yes, we are in great shape, but there is not much room left in our lives for anything else.

So, before I start up my yoga and trainer season for far too many months,

I've been taking a pause from the routine to do other things.

Such as picnics on a gorgeous Saturday morning with the boys.

Or finishing that bag I have been working on for months.

Or taking special walks in new places with Bob.

Yes, I dread winter,

and I miss riding,

I miss the meditative solitude.

I am sad to see my fitness level naturally decrease for a few months.

But without pause,

and a change to routine,

life becomes very dull indeed.
And so do I.

Time off the bicycle,

makes one appreciate
time on the bicycle.