Wednesday, August 6, 2008

learning curve...

I had quite a day yesterday.
Went to see a big client North of Chicagoland and had one of those 'I can't believe I am here' moments - very cool.
5:30 am Tuesday to 1:30 am Wednesday, most of that time in the car, makes for a long long day - but it was worth it.

I learned a few things yesterday:
-Driving through central Wisconsin is actually quite pretty.

-'Corporate' people are people too (but I already found that out earlier this year in CA)

-I like the people I work with - they made my day much easier

-I need to step up my game at work and stop dreaming about what I used to have
-I need some new work clothes (yippee, a legitimate reason to 'need' clothes)

-I may have to carry a BlackBerry for work, but I can use it to stay in tune (oh Alex, I was so close to you, I was sending good vibes hoping you were okay, if only you had surfaced a few hours earlier I could have caught up on the way home!)

-You can convince the head of your company to pull in to the nearest Whole Foods for dinner
-My best friend in LA is getting married

It was a very good day.