Tuesday, November 22, 2011

repair and respect...

For about the last two months of riding season
(which sadly I have deemed as officially over)

I had this nagging problem when I was out riding.

I ride a lot in this zone, and every time I did,

the bike began to have a mind of its own.

In early September I had a cable issue

that essentially turned my bicycle ride

a fixie ride for a number of miles
until I could limp into my usual shop.

I thought the change in cables after this would solve the issue,

but it kept getting worse.

Anytime I could bring the Trek in, I wanted to ride,

so I just kept suffering through the annoyance.

Finally, after I rolled 1000, it was time.

H and I like to support good people doing good things,
so Trek was taken to a new shop.

I was a bit nervous because a lot of bicycle shop dudes

don't really speak 'girl speak' and turn to the guy to have a conversation.
Especially when they race together during Cross Season,
or so I feared.

Not Dan.
I told Dan my issues, and it was instantly clear he knows A LOT about bicycles.

I asked him to keep the Trek for a few days to really diagnose the issue.

He came back with another cable replacement

and a gold 'tooth' (ferrule).

And then, the snow set in.

So I haven't been able to get her out for a ride,

but I did officially begin my
QTT this weekend
and she shifted with grace.

The forecast is predicting Sunny and 53 on Thanksgiving.

I think you know where I will be...

I appreciate that Dan treated me with complete respect.

And when I had stopped to take my cassette picture,

two groups of male riders yelled out "Everything Okay?"
to me as they passed by.
I always appreciate the bicycling community,
the fact that folks have got my back,

and knowing I am not out there alone.
And yes,
I was MORE thank OKAY,
I was on my bicycle and it was a beautiful day.

Trek and I have been together for
nearly 4000 miles.
I think in the Spring she is going to need more than a cable.

I am looking forward to giving her some tweaks,

and taking her with me for the next 4000...