Sunday, October 24, 2010

i do other things...

new job/birthday/Halloween bag

to what the three readers
of my blog may think
(are there more than three of you out there?...)

I do not actually ride around all day
on my road bicycle

covered head to toe
in lycra.
Though I do rather enjoy it.

I actually do other things.

Like redesign my blog

It took me a long time to hit the 'apply' button.
What do you think?
It is subtle,
but I am hoping easier to use.

The old one was getting really outmoded.

I still can't quite bring myself to switch over to the 'updated editor',
it does funny things to my picture layouts ~ anyone else had this issue?
I have noticed many people have switched to wp,
but I feel like I want to keep this blog here,

so this is my solution.

Big thanks to Mikael
for helping me figure out the header!

40th birthday/Midsommar bag

the other things I do from time to time
are go to parties,
and sew.
And when I am invited to parties, I like to bring a gift.
Thus what you are seeing up there at top ~ my gift last night.

We have tons of fabric swatches at work
that change with the seasons, so lucky me,
I get to bring some home.
These little bags started this summer
when I was invited to a 40th Birthday Party of a good friend.
I actually made the bag as a gift bag for a necklace,
but the bag turned out to be a bigger hit than the necklace.
I have since made a few of these
and am finding them to be most appreciated
by the recepients.

you are moving very far away/you have been a good friend/I will miss you bag

I am going to kick off a few posts here
focusing on the crafty side of life.
I hope you enjoy my 'other side'.

And the bike and the lycra?
Well, I still do that too...

Happy Sunday Everyone!
I hope you are having a GREAT weekend!