Monday, July 27, 2009

art and life...

Turbulent, Shirin Neshat
I have been thinking a lot

about art lately...
What I like,
Why I like it,
How would I explain it,
Do I need to explain it?

I have seen a lot of art
I have been moved by a lot of art
art has had a profound influence
on my journey.

My first reflection is from an exhibition
I saw over ten years,
and three cities ago,
when I was visiting Minneapolis.
The exhibition was at the Walker

I wish I could show it to you as I saw it,
a dark room,
two large screens,
directly across from each other,
the viewer in the center.

I remember clearly to this day
how I felt when I saw this piece.
I was mesmerized
I was humbled
and the imprint remains.