Tuesday, August 26, 2008

quietly looking forward...

Last week in the midst of complete work chaos and stress,
in the midst of a visit from the parents,
in the midst of worrying about Bob's aging,

in the midst of another week,

we quietly celebrated our 2 year landmark of arriving in Minneapolis.

Though I will never stop looking back, I am committed to letting the strings go,
letting myself go, fighting the negativity, and releasing myself to the present.
We officially live in Minnesota.

This blog has been, and will continue to be, a daily meditative exercise in staying in the moment, focusing on the positive, being inspired and inspiring.
Whether it is a piece of art I love, shoes I can not live without, things we are trying to do to make ourselves and our world a little bit better, a trip to Sweden, a sunny day, a quest for a Dutch-Style bike, or a new French press, thanks for traveling along on the journey.