Tuesday, August 3, 2010

stop, breathe, roll...

I have been on a little bit of an involuntary bicycle hiatus.

The Pash is still at the shop

and I am missing her something awful.

I hope to bring her home soon

so we can enjoy what is left of Summer


Then H had to unexpectedly go East for 2 weeks,
leaving me and boy to bond,
and little time for biking.
In some ways I welcomed the cycling break

after 5 months of riding

and 1000 miles on the road

it was nice to have a change of pace.

Meanwhile, this blog
quietly celebrated

its 500th post

right around
I always thought
I would do some big to do

when I got to 500,

but I let it quietly roll by...

Thank you for spending time

at my hyggelig.

I have some thoughts on this space

I plan to post soon.

This space is good for me

and I am always delighted

when I find out others

enjoy it as well.

I am back

and ready to roll