Tuesday, June 30, 2009

conquer and ride...

introducing Pash to St. Paul

I have been wanting to take the Pash further afield for quite sometime now
But to be honest, I was nervous about it.
I love Pash, but she just isn't the kind of gal you take with you on long trips.
So, since I tend to have a lot of 'free' time on my hands lately,
and my new volunteer gig is bicycle-related,
I figured today was a good day to conquer my fears...
How often in life can you allow yourself a cushy 1 1/2 hours to get to a meeting,
and another 1 1/2 hours to get home if need be?
Quite possibly never.
Sooo...off we went.

taking a break St. Paul style

that's my gal...2 hours later still waiting for me...

the three of us were having an unspoken slow race

20 miles later we know a lot more about each other.
-Pash is one heck of a solid and stiff ride - good, but firm for a long haul.
-Love the seating position, even for the long jaunt - I FINALLY got that dern seat adjusted to my liking.
-The seat...well, my bones and those rivets were not the best of friends towards the end. I have pretty good tolerance built up from my fast lovin' lycra rides, but a pair of bike shorts would have felt good after about 15 miles. In time I am sure the seat will be like a great pair of shoes to me, but for now she's a bit stiff for the long haul.

-It was fun riding such a beauty around the city. Pash and I saw more than a few glances coming our way.
-Our city is blessed with some nice bicycle options - we were on designated bicycle streets, in designated bicycle lanes, or on a gorgeous designated bicycle path the entire trip. Pretty awesome I must say. On a bicycle like Pash, I just love riding the trails, taking our sweet old time, and soaking in the scenery.

me, Pash, and The Mighty Miss

Pash and I are still the best of friends,
but in the end I think we can agree that though we did it,
we had a heck of a lot of fun doing it,
and we certainly were capable of it,
we might have more fun hanging out a bit closer to home.

But we'll always have St. Paul...